Providence Meadow Farm

Cottage Farm, Show Worthy

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Catching Our Breath…

Yearlings, Breedings and Fall Crias

The days are getting shorter and the weather has been beautiful! Spending time cleaning the barn, pastures and garage make for long days but it feels so good sitting on the porch in the evenings!

We were blessed with our first cria of 2024, arriving on Labor Day! Amidala’s Skywalker is handsome, smart and quickly growing! Less than 3 weeks later, Little Lucie’s cria arrives, Minka (with the million dollar legs) is a beautiful, elegant female!

Our work for 2025 crias did not go as planned so we are evaluating our options….God has been good to us since we started, so we will listen and wait.

We continue to be so thankful for this farm!
Blessings to all.

It was a great Spring show season and now Summer Fleece season for our four yearlings. Providence Meadow Farm won their first banners and many ribbons at the shows and so far we also received a Champion banner for Grade 0 at the AOA IFA (Innovative Fleece Assessment)! Three entries and three ribbons at a large PAOBA Fleece show! Looking forward to the final MAPACA IFA show results.

As a small farm, banners are not easy to come by, the amount of gorgeous high quality animals continues to increase in this industry, and that’s a wonderful thing. But being small, we select only the best service sires for our few breedings each year. Our farm goal is to keep the herd at 15 or less for several reasons, but the best one is so we can stay close to the alpacas. We know each one of them and they bring us joy (and chores), and we just keep learning. That is why we started this farm!

This time of year is special, yes we have more grass to cut and annual herd health for the alpacas and chickens too, but it’s also a time of hopeful beginnings. And hopefully some relaxing!

On Saturday, June 22nd, Dr. Susan Williamson and her son, Gavin spent the day at the farm skirting fleece for the IFA! We learned so much about the process and the IFA, working fleeces in preparation for the competitions. Much appreciated and fun!